About EasyScrape
During 2013, Sable Cape Investments (Pty) Ltd, a company investing in innovative futuristic technology, acquired the South African Registered
Patent No: ZA2010/06181, entitled Winch Driven Scraper System.
The System is designed and marketed by the operating company, Artecel (Pty) Ltd trading as EasyScrape, Registration Number: 2010/007927/07, managed by the same directors as the Intellectual Property Holding Company (Sable Cape Investments).

Contact Us
Address: 264 Beyers Naude Drive, Rustenburg, South Africa, 0299
Team Leader: Sarel van Niekerk +27 (0) 72 474 0669
Team Leader: Sarel van Niekerk +27 (0) 72 474 0669