Picture of Easy Scrape logo

About EasyScrape

During 2013, Sable Cape Investments (Pty) Ltd, a company investing in innovative futuristic technology, acquired the South African Registered
Patent No: ZA2010/06181, entitled Winch Driven Scraper System.

The System is designed and marketed by the operating company, Artecel (Pty) Ltd trading as EasyScrape, Registration Number: 2010/007927/07, managed by the same directors as the Intellectual Property Holding Company (Sable Cape Investments).

Slide Picture of Easy Scrape slogan


The EasyScrape System has been designed to be fitted onto a scraper winch, without having to modify the winch in any way. No modifications i.e. no cutting, drilling, welding, etc. are required. The EasyScrape System can be fitted were the scraper winch is operationally deployed, on surface or below.

The EasyScrape System consists of the following main components:Picture of the easyscrape system

•    Electrical Box;
•    Handheld Pendant;
•    Actuator Assembly Housing;
•    Load Cell Assembly;
•    Drum Guard;
•    Mounting Brackets.


The EasyScrape System has two main modes of operation:

•    Manual Scraping Mode
•    Pendant Controlled Mode

The Manual Scraping Mode allows the scraper winch operator to operate the scraper winch in the traditional, manual way.

The Pendant Controlled Mode has two sub-modes of operation:

•    Pendant Controlled Direct Scraping Mode;
•    Pendant Controlled Alternating Scraping Mode. This mode is activated on request.

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Picture of the EasyScrape machine

The Team

Contact Us

Address: 264 Beyers Naude Drive, Rustenburg, South Africa, 0299
Team Leader: Sarel van Niekerk +27 (0) 72 474 0669